Summer Camp
Frequently Asked Questions
Can't find the answers you're looking for here? Try our Camp Handbook.
Otherwise, please feel free to contact us so we can help!
The Quick Details
for One 3-week session
$999 Early Bird Rate
$1199 Regular Rate
(Early Bird Rate ends Feb 28th)
9:00am - 2:00pm
WRAP PARTY (Before- and After-care):
8:00am-9:00am & 2:00-5:00
($300 for one 3-week session)
Glendale Community College
1500 N Verdugo Rd
Glendale, CA 91208
All experience levels welcome!
View our 2025 Summer Camp Handbook HERE
• It's the first day of camp... what do I do?
• Where do I park to drop-off/pick-up my child?
• Will they need to switch from class to class themselves, or will the teacher go with them?
• What if my child only wants to do one or two classes per day?
• How big will each class/group be?
• Will I need art supplies for Design Class?
• When, What, and Where is the Final Performance?
• Is the Final Performance Free?
• Who can come to watch the Final Performance?
• Do I need tickets to the Final Performance?
• Will the Final Performance be recorded?
• Where can I park for the Final Performance?
• Will I need to buy or make any of the props or costumes for the Final Performance?
WRAP PARTY (Morning and Afternoon Extended Care)
• What will they do in the Wrap Party?
• How much does the Wrap Party cost?
• What if I only need the Wrap Party for just the morning (or just the afternoon)?
• What if my child misses a class (or an entire day)? Will I be refunded for this?
• What is the Non-Refundable Deposit?
• What happens if COVID-19 forces all in-person activities to shut down?
• How do I know what group my child is in?
• Where is the schedule for my child's group?
• Where can I find a the two Release Forms that I need to send in before camp starts?
• It's the first day of camp... what do I do?
Hooray! Welcome to camp! Meet us in the Mod Theatre near the middle of the Glendale Community College campus, and get ready for an awesome day. We'll meet here every morning (including for the early drop-off Wrap Party), and will travel to our separate classes after a camp-wide daily meeting. This is also where you will pick up your camper (including campers in the late pick-up Wrap Party). To view where the Mod Theatre is on the Glendale Community College campus, we have two maps available: Map #1 and Map #2. The Mod Theatre in the SN Building on Map #1, which just to the right of the centrally located Plaza Vaquero.
• Where do I park to drop-off/pick-up my child?
Daily parking for drop-off and pick-up of students is available in two locations: the City of Glendale paid parking lot on Verdugo Road, opposite of the campus (Lot 32), or in the large parking structure on campus, off of Mountain Avenue (Lot C).
If parking in the City of Glendale paid lot (Lot 32), parents and campers will walk over the pedestrian bridge to the gain access to the Glendale Community College. Parents will be responsible for paying for their own parking, as no parking passes exist for this lot.
If parking in the college's large parking structure (Lot C), parents will take the clock tower elevator down to gain access to the campus. Before the session begins, parents will be emailed a temporary parking pass for this lot, which will give them 15 minutes of free parking. This pass needs to be displayed on the car's dash, and will grant permission for parking on any level of the structure.
We will meet everyone in the Mod Theatre where we will gather all the campers for the beginning of each day (including early drop-off). This area is also where we will conduct pick-up for both the regular camp day, and the Wrap Party (extended care).
Street parking is also available, but is extremely limited (please be sure to read all signs!). We have two campus maps available here: Map #1 & Map #2.
• Will they need to switch from class to class themselves, or will the teacher go with them?
The campers will be escorted from classroom to classroom (including lunch and snack) by one of our staff members. The teachers will remain in their classrooms, so there will never be an empty classroom upon the students' arrival.
• What if my child only wants to do one or two classes per day?
Our program is geared towards creating fun and exciting content for the Final Performance. If campers don't attend all their classes, then it becomes impossible for the teachers to write, choreograph, and plan for scenes/songs/dances/movies that incorporate all of the students on their class list. Because of this, we do not offer a la carte schedules for campers, and require that all students attend and participate in all of their classes.
• How big will each class/group be?
In an effort to make the camp experience more enjoyable for all of our students, we're limiting the size of the classes/groups to 15 campers per group, with the exception of our youngest group, which we try to cap closer to 10. We will do all that we can to hold true to these enrollment caps, but adjustments may need to be made to accommodate enrollment numbers.
• Will I need art supplies for Design Class?
For the most part: No. We might occasionally ask that students bring some specific materials from home, but nothing too crazy. We understand that things are tough right now, so we're trying to make it easy on everyone. If something is needed from home for the next day, we'll be sure to email you ahead of time... but this will be rare.
• When is Snack and Lunch?
Snack is 10:25-10:45am, and lunch is 12:35-1:05pm. You can see an example of the full schedule here here.
• When, What, and Where is the Final Performance?
The Final Performance will take place on the Friday afternoon/evening of the final Friday of each session, and will be held in the Glendale Community College's main Auditorium (labeled AU on the campus maps). The show will start at 4:00pm SHARP! The classes the campers take during the three week run of each session will be geared towards creating the content for this performance. Each camper will perform in a song, a dance, and an acting scene. The song and dance will often times be combined. All of the campers will, at some point in the three weeks of camp, need to spend time outside of class to learn lines & choreography, and to practice, practice, practice. Although these were created for a different medium (film, instead of the stage), you can watch some of our original pieces from our Covid Isolation Summers here to give you an idea of what some of our originally created content might look like.
• Is the Final Performance free?
Yes! This is a celebration of all of the campers' hard work over their three crazy weeks of camp, and we want everyone to enjoy it for free!
• Who can come to watch the Final Performance?
Anyone! Feel free to invite the whole family to come and cheer on our campers. Space is limited, however, and we are subject to the venue's capacity limits for seating. Attendance will be on a first come / first served basis, with a strong chance that we'll reach full capacity. Arriving early is highly encouraged, but doors will not open for the until 3:30pm.
• Will I need tickets for the Final Performance?
Nope! Attendance will be on a first come / first served basis, with a strong chance that we'll reach full capacity. Space is limited, however, and we are subject to the venue's capacity limits for seating. Arriving early is highly encouraged, but doors will not open until 3:30pm.
• Will the Final Performance be recorded?
Yes! A professional videographer will be on hand to record the show. Order Forms will be emailed to the families once we get close to the performance date. On show day, in the lobby, there will also be order forms available. Final Performance recordings will be a digital copy that will be emailed to you. Please allow up 2-3 weeks for the digital copies to be edited and emailed to you.
• Will I need to buy or make any of the props or costumes for the Final Performance?
No. All the props and costumes will be provided by Act One Theatre Camp. On the rare occasion, we may ask a camper if they have a particular item that we can borrow for the show. But if campers and their families are eager to purchase props or costumes for the Final Performance, we'll certainly welcome the help. We ask that you PLEASE coordinate with your camper's teachers before ANY purchase are made!
• What is The Wrap Party?
The Wrap Party is the extended care program that we're providing for mornings and afternoons, before and after the regular camp day has ended. The early drop-off is available from 8:00am - 9:00am, while the afternoon late pick-up is available from 2:00pm - 5:00pm. Campers are welcome to stay for the entire length of the morning and afternoon blocks, but are not required to stay for the entire time. Parents can decide how long they would like the campers to remain in The Wrap Party in the afternoon.
• What will they do in The Wrap Party?
Our teachers and staff will be running this fun and crazy aftercare experience, and we have many many exciting activities planned. Utilizing a plethora of games, crafts, art materials, and crazy ideas we'll be offering activities like one-on-one competitions, group games, and much more!
• How much does the Wrap Party cost?
We'll be offering this aftercare for only $300 for three weeks! That breaks down to $5.00 per hour for childcare!! If you don't want to purchase the full Wrap Party, and want to use it on a daily basis, we charge $15/hour. This daily rate is to be paid on the day of use, via cash, check, or Venmo.
• What if I only need the Wrap Party for just the morning (or just the afternoon)?
No problem! Once you sign up for the Wrap Party, you can utilize it as much or as little as you need. The Wrap Party is there to fit your schedule, and to try to make your hectic weekday easier. Even if you think you're only going to use it 2-3 times a week, it's still a heck of a deal!
• Where is the Wrap Party?
The Wrap Party will take place where all campers will be dropped off every morning in the Mod Theatre. If the weather is nice, we will also utilize the outside areas of GCC. The Mod Theatre is located within the SN building, which can be found on our campus maps here: Map #1 and Map #2.
• What is your Refund Policy?
Our full Refund Policy can be found in our Camp Handbook here. But here it is, in a nutshell:
-You can receive a refund before camp starts.
-You can receive a prorated refund after camp starts.
-Prorated refunds must be requested before or within the first three days of camp starting.
-All refunds are minus the Non-Refundable Deposit.
-Act One will never offer a full refund, due to the Non-Refundable Deposit.
• What happens if we start camp, but my child doesn't like it and wants to quit? Can I still get a refund?
Yes! We're sorry that your camper is not happy with our program, but we completely understand and realize that it's not for everyone. As long as it is before or within the first three days of the camp starting, we can refund your enrollment payment, minus the Non-Refundable Deposit. If this request is made within the first three days of camp, the refund will be prorated. Contact Joshua Evans at info@actonetheatrecamp.com to start the refund process. Further questions about refunds are addressed in the Refund Policy section of our Camp Handbook here.
• What if my child misses a class (or an entire day)? Will I be refunded for this?
No. It will be up to the camper and parents to make sure that they attend classes. If they aren't at camp, we will assume that they have other plans for that day, and Act One will not make any attempts to contact the families to discover their whereabouts. Further questions about refunds are addressed in the Refund Policy section of our Camp Handbook here.
• What is the Non-Refundable Deposit?
This is a small deposit that is mandated by our booking service, and to cover administrative fees. Depending on what you're looking to refund, here are the separate non-refundable amounts:
-Session Tuition: $50
-Wrap Party Tuition: $25
These dollar amounts will never be refunded.
Further questions about refunds are addressed in the Refund Policy section of our Camp Handbook here.
• What happens if COVID-19 forces all in-person activities to shut down?
If the local, state, or federal health officials declare that all in-person activities need to be suspended again, we will immediately move our program to an online venue. In 2020 and 2021 we conducted ten separate sessions online (including two full summer camps), and feel extremely confident in our ability to provide an engaging, entertaining, and awesome program for our campers. We will continue with this online format until the health officials open things up again. If this move to an online venue is past the first three-day benchmark for refunds (as described in our Refund Policy), no refunds will be available due to this change in venue.
• How do I know what group my child is in?
Campers will be divided into their groups on the first day of camp. We try to avoid tears! So if you know that your camper really really really wants to be with one of their friends (and they're relatively the same age), please let us know! There is a spot on the registration to tell us anything additional about your camper... use this to let us know about any friend requests, please!
• Where is the schedule for my child's group?
Each group's schedule will be slightly different. The times will all be the same, but where they are in their class rotation will be different. An schedule example can be found here.
• Where can I find the two Release Forms that I need to send in before camp starts?
We need two Release Forms signed and returned to us before the first day of camp. They can be found here. Campers will NOT be allowed to participate in Act One Theatre Camp, in any capacity, until we have these forms on file.
• When will my camper receive their camp t-shirt?
Free t-shirts... yay! All campers will receive their free camp t-shirt on the last day of camp, right before the Final Performance. Please make sure to indicate the correct shirt size for your camper on their registration form. We will be ordering t-shirts before the start of each session according to the sizes given to us during online registration. If an incorrect size is given to us, we will not have additional sizes available.
• Where can I find the Camp Handbook?
The Camp Handbook is available here.